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 11 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"W Forrest"Advanced Search
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The University of Edinburgh, Scotland, 1870.Artist: W Forrest
'The Hill of Samaria', 1887. Artist: W Forrest
'Mount Sinai: Jebel Musa as seen from Jebel Katharina', 1887.Artist: W Forrest
The High Street, Edinburgh, 1870.Artist: W Forrest
Eppstein Castle, Taunus mountains, Germany, 19th century. Artist: W Forrest
Richmond, London, 1883.Artist: W Forrest
'The Waters of Merom', Palestine, 1887. Artist: W Forrest
'The St Fillan Games', Scotland, 19th century(?).Artist: W Forrest
'The Jewish Feast of Purim or Cots', 1712 (19th century).Artist: James Gardner
'A Baptism According to the Greek Church in Russia'.Artist: W Forrest
The Dance of Dervishes, c1870.Artist: W Forrest